Injection Moulding


Precision Plastic Injection Moulding

TPS utilises the latest injection Moulding technology, at our plant in Tralee. Coupled with automatic material handling and automated solutions, we provide quality, competitively priced, injection moulded components delivered to our customers on time. We work over the full range of plastic materials.

At present we have the following capabilities:

  • Moulding - 30+ Plastic Injection Moulding Machines ranging from 9t to 250t (inc. 10+ Machines with 2 shot capability. Our Core competencies include manufacture of “Light Pipe” components and a “2 shot” components
  • Automated Controls – To date we have designed, built and installed, customised rotary platen and dual hydraulic ejector systems for special purpose tools. These modifications have been retrofitted to a number of machines and incorporate custom built Microcontroller P.C.B's running in harmony with the OEM machine control. This seamless integration enables our machines to run bespoke and rare tool types with ease.

Additional facilities include
  • Part Annealing
  • Packaging Options
  • Stock Control
  • Logistical Support